Careful | Care Full


Summer 2017

When men gather under the guise of clarifying scripture

to confine the creative mercy of God


When those inside the box make demands

of those beyond plain categories


When disciples draw lines in the sand

assuming Jesus stands beside them in division


When people of faith claim that scripture requires

identity denied and justice mis allocated


When religious leaders corner a market on what is biblical

contorting the beautiful mysteries of God's image


When some in power demand that others without

normalize as though dignity is a scarce or sly


When God formed the first humans from dust and bone,

images of God called very good, but not everything or perfection

Care Full.

When God worked for good through all kinds of

broken and blessed relationships throughout scripture

Care Full.

When God moves through the timeless snares of sexual violence and economy

to declare delight, value, and belonging to those on the margins

Care Full.

When God in Christ lives and dies

choosing relationship instead of being right

Care Full.

When we trust the Holy Spirit to change hearts

without shame, manipulation, or discrimination

Care Full.

When scripture awakens us to work for justice and mercy for the world

instead of piety and righteousness for ourselves

Care Full.

When God's people reject a statement that limits the power of Jesus

for the sake of love that's been known to conquer fear

Care Full.

A response to the futile and violent Nashville Statement. Love wins.

PoemsMeta Carlson